Remarkable Bloggers©, a project I started here a couple years back, has been a redheaded step child for the most part. I started with the general premise of bringing you some new reading material, not necessarily on a daily basis. I read (back then) hundreds of blogs in my work days. Now, lets call that thousands that I scan. (I’d never get sleep if I read in detail all those blogs) But recently, I’ve come across and re-read some remarkably cogent and salient writers that I’m going to be putting you all wise to and I think, you’ll become as vapid a fan as I. So in honor of Seth Godin‘s most popular book, Purple Cow, here’s this week’s Remarkable Blogger© and breath of fresh air.
There are days I feel like Dorothy. Stuck in Oz with the Wicked Witch of the West having called out her flying howler monkeys on me. Those are the days, I stop the insanity here, and go out on the interwebz and catch up on my reading. I did just that this week and I think you’re all going to love this!
Back a few years ago, I read a little pink blog by another ‘southern’ woman. It was witty. It was pink. She talked about Fantasy Football. I could relate. A mom, who understood and liked and actually played fantasy football! How cool was that?
I read her struggles, how she tried to battle the manic highs, the awful lows. I cried with her, and laughed my self silly at her antics. I kept reading. I wasn’t the only one who read, clearly. One day, from what seemed to me on the outside, clear out of the blue, she started talking about the Wii Fit. And she didn’t just talk about it, she used it. By now, you might have guessed, I’m talking about Julie Maloney @Momspective. If you don’t know Julie, you need to get to know her at her. Her blog should have a warning label that reads:
May cause watery eyes, urinary incontenence, mood changes, terminal smile, hot flashes, unusual thirst, extrordinary thinking, and impulsive electronic envy
If you ever think you’re alone. Feeling fat, unloved, under appreciated, strung out on stress, taking prescribed medications that aren’t seeming to help, dash over to Julie’s blog and start reading. You’ll find there a woman who says what you’ve been thinking. Who, through her words, tells the world the truth of the matter and doesn’t look back.
From her stripped bare honest posts on being bi-polar and some pretty awful episodes with meds that did more harm than good, to her somewhat irreverent reviews, Julie is the epitome of Remarkable Blogger©. She told me recently that with portion control and the WiiFit and EA Sports Active for cardio and strength training she’s managed to lose 101 pounds! Yep, and she’s blogged every minute of the path from Wii Mommies and on YouTube and Momspective.
Right now, Julie’s in a contest, sponsored by Sony and hoping to get a shot at the Grand Prize trip to Africa for the2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer game. Yeah, how crazy is that. But Julie is in the top ten finalists! Which means, she’s got a real shot at winning this thing. So, I’m going to ask you to do me a favor here. Head over to this post and leave a comment for her. And then (this is the really important part ‘yall)
Head over to twitter and paste this tweet :
Support Julie Maloney in the Sony Style X10 Blogger Contest! #SONY #Julie2FIFA
The contest is over next week and Julie needs and appreciates all the comments, tweets and support we can give her! Lets tell Julie to “Go To Africa” ! She’s promised me a picture with a monkey if she wins and ‘yall know I love monkeys!
Meanwhile, keeping up with her antics on twitter, facebook and her blog are something you must do, she keeps it real. And folks, she’s one of the finest people you’ll ever want to be associated with. I’m honored and privleged to call her ‘friend’. And if there’s not a book in this blog, I’ll eat my hat!
Holy crap, that was the greatest thing ever written by anyone ever. Thank you so much. I’m laughing at myself because of you and crying in general because this rocks!
.-= Julie From Momspective´s last blog ..I’ve Finally Crossed The Line =-.
I certainly didn’t mean to make you cry! I wanted you to be happy! Know you’re loved my me and so many more <3
Hi from Julie Maloney’s dad. Great blog, much appreciated! 🙂
.-= Dr. B.´s last blog ..OIL SLICK POISONS GOD OF THE SEA =-.
Well! I have a comment from the Great Dr. B! I’m honored you visited! Thanks for your kind words.