You’ve probably seen this banner hanging on some of your favorite blogs recently. And you’ve probably read some articles some good, some not so good. But the not so good comments are coming from those who don’t really understand what this new service is about.
Holly Homer (@Texas Holly) Shauna Callaghan and Jay have stayed up late and collaborated to bring some sanity to the blogging world through Business 2 Blogger.
The thought behind this is sort of ‘leveling’ the field, as I see it anyway. They’re a free service to bloggers, and businesses alike. They provide access to paid writing opportunities, that most of you didn’t know were available until they were gone. But the key feature is that you DON’T HAVE TO BE AN A-LISTER TO GET AN OPPORTUNITY. You do need to keep up with your emails from them, because the opps go fast! If you accept an opp and follow through properly, do honest and forthright reviews, your chances at future opportunites should grow!
Now all this sounds easy enough right? After all, you’ve signed up everywhere else and felt left out because you’re not “hot” enough in the blogging world. Well Holly, Shauna and Jay have solved your problem. Solved it IF AND ONLY IF YOU follow through. (From personal experience with bloggers I can tell you most of you don’t follow through.) So you’re being offered a chance, a grand chance..Get over there and sign up. Watch your email for notices from Jay (I dare you not to giggle at least when you read them, he’s very funny!)
Now you’re not left hanging when you sign up. First don’t worry about being spammed a thousand times a day. There are specific Terms of Service for both bloggers and businesses to follow. They even include the FTC disclosure policy for all bloggers to use on all campaigns and even provide a video and some examples of how to write a disclosure policy. This is all too easy folks. The rules are straightforward and easy to follow. The only thing standing in the way of your success with this program is YOU.
Now, are you going to make a fortune by using this service? Probably not. But being in touch and getting to know advertisers and pr folks is vital and YOU will need to grow the relationship. It is a two way street. Remember …It’s about the conversation!
Thanks so much Deb. I really appreciate this. REALLY! I thought this whole idea up because I was getting some offers that were a real mis-match for my blog, but a good fit for others bloggers.
It is true that you will NOT become rich and famous through Business 2 Blogger, but we hope that you might find some fun opportunities once in awhile that you might not otherwise be exposed to! ha.
It has really been exciting to see it grow and hopefully we can get a handle on some of the things that aren’t working right now!
Again, thanks sooo much!
Holly, It’s always fun for me to support and buzz great new ideas to the community! I’m in biz for the small guys and any thing I can do, ever to extend a hand, I’m happy to! Thanks for such a great idea and tell Jay..keep those laughs coming!
I wasn’t going to sign up for this but only be because I’ve backed away from many review and giveaways. But, if there are opportunities that would fit well, I just might re-think. Thanks.
.-= Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommy´s last blog ..Marketing to Mom Bloggers: What Not to Do =-.
This program is totally different from any other program you might have signed up for. I’ve been really impressed by the opps that I have seen presented ! Good luck!