Lots of ‘experts’ and so called social media managers, have weighed in on the social media timing factor. For every expert there’s a theory and all of them conflict! Pages and pages in search engine results are dedicated to just when to post to social media.
The most helpful info I’ve gotten, however, was right from the infographic below.Timing IS everything, from comedy to relationships to blogging. Managing Social Media has to be the toughest part of the blogging business. Mastering it (if there is such a thing) is elusive to many, but it seems that it all boils down to time.
From Linkedin and Facebook to G+ and your blog, following these timings could help improve your posts getting noticed! Of course there’s no guarantee or absolute one size fits all, but experiment. Find what works for you based on these timings. Use this guide for what it is. A Guide. Test and Retest. Now get out there and do your homework, test it. Then let me know what your results are!